General Question

  • Depending on the message, it may take a while to reply to some inquiries.
    Please check our FAQ for a list of answers to the most common questions.
  • If you have any questions about one of your orders, please go to Account > Order > Order Details and select the order in question, then go to the “My Order” page to make an inquiry.
  • For questions regarding items that have already arrived at your shipping address, please go to Account > Order > Order Details and select the desired order, then inquire through the “After Service Care” page.
  • All Prime 1 Studio Customer Support messages will come from the email address. Make sure to check your Junk Email folder, as well as mark any messages from this email address as “Not Junk”.
  • By sending a message with the form below, you are consenting to our Privacy Policy. If you would like more details about the personal information we may use, please visit our Privacy Policy page.
*NOTE: Our offices are open Mon-Fri from 10 AM to 7 PM Japan Standard Time. Please be patient while we respond to your emails in the order they are received.