Alisa Bosconovitch
EX Version
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Prime 1 Studio is proud to present PMTK7-01: Alisa Bosconovitch from Tekken 7. Alisa is a character in the Tekken series who was introduced in Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion. An android created by Dr. Bosconovitch as a bodyguard for Jin Kazama. Her design itself is modeled after Bosconovitch's own lost daughter. Her fighting capabilities are extremely high. She can perform attacks with high mobility using arm-mounted missiles and thrusters.
- Size approximately 23 inches tall [(H)58.5cm (W)36cm (D)40cm]
- Size approximately 26.6 inches tall with chainsaws [(H)67.5cm (W)52cm (D)40cm]
- One (1) interchangeable pair of hands with chainsaw (In Exclusive version only)
- Prototype samples shown.
- Product details could be subjected to change without further notice.
- Please note the final product specifications may differ because each product is Handmade.
- Since the product is still in the development stage, the Size (up to 10%) & Weight (up to 10kg) may be changed during the production stage.
TEKKEN™7&©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Brands |
Collection |
Premium Masterline |
Series |
Tekken series |
Scale |
1/4 Scale |
Product Code |
PMTK7-01EX |
Product Size Approx. |
H:67.5cm W:52cm D:40cm |
Product Weight |
7.2 kg |
Carton Size
| A:12 kg (1 box) |
Materials |
Polystone and other materials |
4562471906060 |